I'm currently in love with Lady GaGa's new song Speechless. Must have listened to it a hundred times by now. I also like her new one called Dance in the Dark. Can't wait for her album to come out on the 23rd. Rihanna is also coming out with a new album on the 23rd that I'm excited about I love her new song Fire Bomb.
Went and saw the Universities dance company perfom. They did a Modern/contemporary ballet perfomance. I'm supposed to write a paper on it and to be honest I'm still a little confused with what I watched, and I wasn't the only one! I asked several people at the show what they thought and no one could really answer me. That leads me to believe that the choreoghapher didn't convey well what they wanted? I wish I had something to compare the show with, that's the first modern dance performance I've ever seen. I liked the perfomance overall but, a couple of the dancers needed to work on their technique more. Few dancers sadly really stood out to me, and projected their energy well. The third piece had a lot of fluidity to it so I know I'm going to write about that but, I'm supposed to pick two pieces to write about and I'm not entirely sure yet what other piece I want to write about. So I'm in fact dreading writing this paper. why couldn't I go watch an Irish dance show? I could write about that easy! But, then again maybe the challenge will be good for me.
I was going to see New Moon today with my sister but, I decided I better wait since I know a couple of my friends want to see it with me, and would be mad if I went without them. Hopefully sometime in the next week I'll get to go see it though. I'm not a huge twilight fan but, I did like the first movie. Hopefully the second one will be good.
Siddie Turned 21 today! that's exciting, and apparently I messed up horribly on WC's (a.ka. Dave) age he turned 22! where does time go? everyone is getting so old! Siddie had her birthday party yesterday and I couldn't go since I had to go to the dance show so I was not very happy about that! But, my sister went and she said it was a lot of fun. (that doesn't exactly make me feel good about not being there but, I'm glad everyone had a good time).
Had violin this morning I'm working on William Tell's Overture. It's coming along I'm almost done with my music book which is exciting! (can't wait to get a new one). Tonight I'm baby-sitting my two nieces who are in the princess phase and my nephew who isn't even one yet so I'm thinking...........tea party, and Princess TuTu night?
Princess.... Tutu. O_O
On other notes, you can do that paper no problem! Maybe you should youtube a couple other modern dances?
lol after further thought and remembering what princess tutu was even about we did not watch it for it does say the S word in it a lot and there are some abusive parts and the list goes on. so put your mind at ease.
thank you for the helpful advice! I was able to write my paper. I haven't gotten it back yet to see my grade but I think overall it turned out good. I'll let you know hoW I did though.
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